Artigos em periódicos

Forest stability during the Holocene in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil revealed by small mammals from Gruta do Presépio

Dobras escalonadas no Grupo Itararé (Bacia do Paraná) associadas a reativação da Zona de Cisalhamento Itajaí-Perimbó, SC

High resolution gamma-ray spectrometry logging applied in the interpretation of sedimentary processes and environments of the Itararé Group (Permo-Carboniferous), Paraná Basin, Santa Catarina state
Deep Recurrent Neural Networks Approach to Sedimentary Facies Classification Using Well Logs | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
Tratos deposicionais e arquitetura estratigráfica de sucessões sedimentares da Bacia do Itajaí (Neoproterozoico), nordeste de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Heavy minerals analysis of the gondwana’s sedimentar sequences (Paraná Basin) as insights to stratigraphy and provenance studies

Litho-Structural Control on the Geotechnical Properties of Colluvial Deposits, Rio do Sul City, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Clay minerals and gamm-ray spectrometry as paleoclimatic indicators in the gondwana’s sedimentar sequences, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Ambiente flúvio-deltáico influenciado por maré e tempestade da Formação Rio Maria, leste da Província Carajás (SE) do Cráton Amazônico

Provenance of Albian sandstones in the São Luís–Grajaú Basin (northern Brazil) from evidence of Pb–Pb zircon ages, mineral chemistry of tourmaline and palaeocurrent data

Sedimentary environment and provenance of the Rio Maria Formation (Paleoproterozoic), southeast Amazonian Craton – Brazil

Ambiente deposicional e proveniência da Formação Gorotire, Província Carajás, sudeste do Cráton Amazônico

Petrografia de arenitos e minerais pesados de depósitos cretáceos (Grupo Itapecuru), Bacia de São Luís-Grajaú, norte do Brasil


Peraluminous leucogranites of the Cordilheira Suite: A record of Neoproterozoic collision and the generation of the Pelotas Batholith, Dom Feliciano Belt, Southern Brazil

Early post-collisional Brasiliano magmatism in Botuverá region, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil: Evidence from petrology, geochemistry, isotope geology and geochronology of the diabase and lamprophyre dikes

Petrology and isotope geology of mafic to ultramafic metavolcanic rocks of the Brusque Metamorphic Complex, southern Brazil

Stratigraphy and volcanic facies architecture of the Torres Syncline, Southern Brazil, and its role in understanding the Paraná–Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province

Sucessões vulcânicas, modelo de alimentação e geração de domos de lava ácidos da Formação Serra Geral na região de São Marcos-Antônio Prado (RS)

Morphological and petrographic patterns of the pahoehoe and ‘a’ā flows of the Serra Geral Formation in the Torres Syncline (Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil)

Regional wind fields and dunefield migration, southern Brazil

Beach Morphodynamics and Sediment Transport along the Northern Coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Assembleia holocênica de vertebrados de pequeno porte do sítio Alcobaça, Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

Chiroptera (Mammalia) from the Holocene of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

Environmental change and marsupial assemblages in Holocene successions of Southern Brazil

Petrografia dos Arenitos Permianos da Bacia do Paraná, Região de Alfredo Wagner, SC

Caracterização de Minerais Pesados de Depósitos Holocênicos da Planície Costeira de Campos Verdes, litoral Sul de Santa Catarina